Monday 20 July 2015

Controlled Assessment - Testing Your Menu

Lesson Objectives

 - understand the requirements for Testing and Evaluating 
 - document Testing and Evaluation of program so far


Take a look at the Mark Scheme for Testing and Evaluating


Red Task
In your Word document under the heading Testing add a Test Plan like the one below

Amber Task
'Testing Table'  to list ALL tests carried out on your program and any issues that need fixing.
See example:

Green Task
'Re- Testing Table'  to list ALL tests that had to carried out again due to errors the first time around, with any further ACTIONS to be taken. 
See example:

Under the section titled Evaluation, write a paragraph to explain how well your program displays a menu to the user and takes their selection.


Review your work using the Mark Scheme above.How many marks do you think you have so far for Testing and Evolution.
What else do you need to do?

Friday 17 July 2015

Changing Worlds - Favicon

Lesson Objectives

 - To understand what a favicon is and why the are used 

Red - You will have created a favicon and added it to your game
Amber - You will have tested that your favicon works
Green - You will have updated your development log section A to show this


  • What is a favicon? What is it used for?

  • How would using one in your game improve it?


RED TASK - Create a Favicon 

AMBER TASK - Add the favicon into your game

1. Click on Global Game Settings

2. Click on the loading tab and change the game icon

GREEN TASK - Continue to Develop Your Game
  • Continue building and testing your game
    • Characters
    • Enemies
    • Platforms
    • Backgrounds


  • Update your development log section A and section B referring to your favicon

Thursday 16 July 2015

Controlled Assessment - Session 2

Lesson Outcomes
Red - You will have set up your folder structure and evidence document in WORD
Amber - You will have completed your User Needs for task 1 - 10
Green - You will have created a detailed flowchart and programmed Task1

Controlled Assessment Checklist
  1. Set up your Text Encyption CA folder in Sites
  2. Created your evidence document in Word and save it as
  3. Inserted a cover page with your details on it
  4. Set up pages with the correct headings
  5. Edited the header and footer
  6. Written user needs under the Design of Solution heading
  7. Written a paragraph "What does the problem involve?"  underneath the user needs
  8. Created a flowchart for how the menu will work (User needs Task1)
  9. Created a flowchart for how the encryption will work (User needs Task 2- 6)
  10. Created a flowchart for how the decryption menu will work (User Needs Task 7-9)
  11. Complete the "Create a simple menu" worksheet 
  12. Use Python to write the code for a menu for task 1 of your controlled assessment
  13. Comment your code in Python
  14. Paste your Task 1 code under the Solution Development heading
  15. Add text boxes explaining what you have done for task 1 and how your menu is suitable for the user

Monday 13 July 2015

10p/Isc5 - Controlled Assessment

See the Controlled Assessment guide HERE

Changing Worlds - Loading Screen

Lesson Objectives
 - To understand the purpose of a loading screen so that you can develop your own for use in your game

 - To appreciate the importance of in game feedback

Red - You will have created a simple loading screen using Photoshop
Amber - You will have added your loading screen into your game
Green - You will have tested your loading screen and made sure that it works

  • What is a loading screen? What is used for?
  • How does having a loading screen in your game improve it for the player?


Red Task 1 - Create a loading screen
  • Using either Adobe Fireworks or Adobe Photoshop create a loading screen  of 480x640 pixels for your game - below are some example ones:

Amber Task - Add your loading screen into your 

1. Click on global game settings

    2. Choose show your own image and then click change image

    Green Task - Test It!
    • Run your game and test that your loading screen works
    • Update Development Log A - Formative testing to show that it works


    • Open your Development Log B
    • Ask a partner to watch your loading screen and play your game. Record the feedback into your test plan

    Thursday 9 July 2015

    Binary Poster

    Lesson Objectives
     - understand what is meant by the Binary Number system
     - convert Binary to Denary and Denary to Binary

    Starter (5 mins)
    Play the Binary quiz HERE

    MainTask (30 mins)
    Create a Poster(see examples below) using software of your choice to explain Binary to a Year 6 pupil.

    Use this website on Binary HERE to help you.


    Share your poster with a partner. 
    Ask them to tell you two things they like about your poster and one thing to improve.

    The next task in your Homework booklet.

    Monday 6 July 2015

    Binary Cover

    Lesson Objectives
     - understand what is meant by the Binary Number system
     - convert Binary to Denary and Denary to Binary

    Starter (5 mins)

    Red Task (30 mins)
    Create a Poster(see examples below) using software of your choice to explain Binary to a Year 6 pupil.

    Use this website on Binary HERE to help you.


    Extension Task

    Your teacher will give you a sheet similar to this sheet. 

    Amber Task

    Take the Binary Test HERE

    Green Task
    Play the Binary quiz HERE

    Look at how IMAGES use Binary and complete the task HERE

    The next task in your Homework booklet.

    Thursday 2 July 2015

    Introduction to Binary

    Lesson Objectives
     - understand what is meant by the Binary Number system
     - convert Binary to Denary and Denary to Binary


    Red Task

    See what you can find out about Binary HERE

    Amber Task

    Your teacher will give you this sheet. 

    Green Task

    Take the Binary Test HERE


    Play the Binary quiz HERE